
War Record 12-1

War Record 12-1

Friday, April 25, 2014

Clan War #4 (4/25/14)

Rule #1 Do not attack without Kon's or a Co-Leader's permission.

-I know this sounds like a dumb rule but you'd be surprised at how big of a difference it makes. I spend time Evaluating the enemy bases and i'm getting better and better at strategy at this game. A LEADER leads his clan, right?

Offense Tidbits: ALWAYS check and attack the 4 corners first. NEVER attack without CLAN CASTLE troops.

-->If you have 20 spaces, we have a level 3 dragon for You. (Ed is the exception to this rule, he prefers Archers usually)
-->If you have 15 spaces, we will try to provide you with high level wizards, valkyries, or maybe a witch.

War Strategy:

Ol will attack Clay and Jordan Hopkins

Luke will attack Austin and Jazzman

Ed the Great will attack Jonsatan and clay2325

Zach will attack Half squat and Schloberknocker

jake will attack jonathan and giggidy_7

Zeke will attack lordgod and Gunslinger

Kon will attack Buck Thorn and allwoodsy

Big daddy will attack annapebs and finley

Lodog will attack JamestheGreat and Sukan Medik

Spinal will attack DealSealer and King Ratz

Captain Flyer will attack Pootiepoo and Scarecrowcrower


Anthony will atack Luke rice and my nig

Big Boy will attack Luke rice and my nig after Athony

Lando will wait for Anthony and Big boy to attack and then take the lowest 2 members who have not been 3 starred

Mrcrazykiller will wait for Anthony, Big Boy, and Lando to attack. Then Mrcrazykiller will attack the Lowest 2 members who have not been 3 starred.

Krackdaddy will wait for Anthony, Big Boy, Lando, and Mrcrazykiller to attack. Then Krackdaddy will attack the Lowest 2 members who have not been 3 starred.

Wilson will wait for Anthony, Big Boy, Lando, Mrcrazykiller, and Krackdaddy to attack. Then Wilson will attack the 2 Lowest Members who have not been 3 starred.

Beasty101 will wait for Anthony, Big Boy, Lando, Mrcrazykiller, Krackdaddy, and Wilson to attack. Then Beasty 101 will attack the 2 lowest members who have not been 3 starred.

Dragontamer will wait for Anthony, Big boy, lando, Mrcrazykiller, Krackdaddy, Wilson, and Beasty 101 to attack. Then Dragontamer will attack the 2 lowest members who have not been 3 starred.

Maleki will attack aew07 and Jimbeezay

Mike will attack sicotte and heisemburger

Spencer bishop will attack daddy and tyler


Clean Up Crew:

Jace Molina


Cheif Longhorn






Everyone is to get permission before they attack.

Recap: This clan has a strong bottom half compared to ours. It's essential and imperative that the top players 2 or 3 star each target to ensure this victory.

Guys these guys do NOT take care of their air defenses. 3-5 of them don't even have all their Air Defenses even on their base. There will be a lot of Air Attacks.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Clan War #3 (4/18/14)

3 Quick Rules to keep us Organized and on Top of our game.

1. Ask a Co-leader if you can attack before you attack. This means ask a Co-leader for permission to attack a target. This is mandatory and extremely important.

2. Check the Enemy's corners before attacking. Also, make sure you take care of the Clan Castle troops before; don't forget about them.

3. Make sure you use all of your spells as well as Clan Castle Reinforcements for both of your Attacks.

Attack Strategy:

Ol will attack Mike and Ambin

Luke will attack undftd ambo and RedOne

Ed the Great will attack xJasus and Luca Blight. **Ed, Luca Blight has a Noteworthy Game base. We have found out that 8-9 dragons and 40+ Archers with rage spells does very well against this base.

Zach and Zeke talk to each other and attack Prime, Spying Santa, Ykus, and Kiwinoy

jake (Gold division NEW Member Jake) attack bwakaragis and Floytran

Kon attack CleonZedrick and Balongzskie

Big Daddy attack Venice and Kimjan.  Big Daddy, Venice's air supports are on the outside. Take out the air supports with archers, and then use Dragons or Balloons with rage spells to win with ease.

Spinal attack JUNGLE barok and jrdnjhn. Spinal JUNGLE barok, has one air defense on the outside and the other inside. It appears that you could take the outside one out with archers and lightning strike the other 3 times if you really wanted to and then attack with air. Just a thought... As of now, jrdnhn has his air defense completely out of the walls.

Lodog attack Ren FIRST. Then, attack Maweng. Looks like Ren, only has one air defense and as of now, it is outside of his walls. Take that out, and then you can attack by air and win with ease. 

Subby King attack TRAVIS and Heisenburg

Cap Flyer attack asimagical and .Clos


Big Boy attack Legoer and King L

Anthony attack Tae and waaaaaaaaah

Wilson attack iK and Kezian

Lando attack the 2 Lowest Members with only 1 star after Big Boy, Anthony, and Wilson have attacked

Chater attack the 2 Lowest Members with only 1 star after Big Boy, Anthony, Wilson, and Chater have attacked

MrCrazykiller attack Kezian FIRST, then the NEAREST Enemy with only 1 star under Kezian.

Krackdaddy attack the 2 Lowest Members with only 1 star after Big Boy, Anthony, Wilson, Lando, Chater, and MrCrazyKiller have all attacked.

Beasty 101 attack the 2 Lowest Members with only 1 star after Big Boy, Anthony, Wilson, Lando, Chater, MrCrazyKiller, and Krackdaddy have all attacked.

Noah attack the 2 NEAREST Enemies with only 1 star under Skylar White after Big Boy, Anthony, Wilson, Lando, Chater, MrCrazyKiller, Krackdaddy, and Beasty101 have all attacked.

Dragontamer attack the 2 NEAREST Enemies with only 1 star under Skylar White after Big Boy, Anthony, Wilson, Lando, Chater, MrCrazyKiller, Krackdaddy, Beasty 101, and Noah have all attacked.

Maleki attack Gem FIRST, Then Maleki, attack VanHeuZen

Mike attack Vince and the next lowest member with only 1 star after ALL THOSE LISTED ABOVE HAVE ATTACKED


Clean-Up Crew

-Clean-up Crew is to wait for everyone Listed above to attack. 

-After waiting for everyone to attack, the Clean-up Crew WILL WAIT for further attacking instructions from one of the Leaders.

-Who each person the Clean-up Crew will attack is based on circumstances and the Leaders' Best Judgment.

Clean-Up Crew Members:

Spencer Bishop



LT Redteam






Jace Molina


-Our Goal this War is to Score 80 Stars. If we do this, I will be tickled PINK. :)
-People with 20 space in your Clan NOT attack without a LEVEL 3 DRAGON.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Clan War #2 (4/15/14)

Alrighty, we're 1 and 0 so let's keep the streak alive By Following the Guidelines below.

Prep Phase

1) Do NOT DONATE any Defense Troops to anyone. Period.

-Guys, this might be the most important rule that we have. Once someone has donated defensive troops to a clan member, then those defensive troops will be locked in for the rest of the Clan War. This means that if I give you four Level 2 Giants or one Level 1 Healer, then those Giants or that Healer will be in your Castle for Defense the whole war. You can't change your defense troops. 

We want you to have the best possible defense troops you can have. That is why I tell everyone Over and Over and OVER to NOT donate to anyone once the Clan War starts until further notice. I do this so that our highest players (Ol, Luke, and Ed the Great) can give you a Level 3 Dragon.

Would you rather have a Level 3 dragon in your castle or a Level 2 Giant? A dragon you say? Good, then stop giving everyone else giants and healers.

-->If you didn't read any of that, read this Line right here: Do NOT DONATE any Defense Troops to ANYONE. Period.

2) After I give the OK, you will be able to Donate offensive troops to anyone who wants it, as Long as you donate them what they have asked Specifically.

Pre-Battle Phase

1) Do NOT attack before chatting with a Co-Leader. This means before you attack, you should ask the Co-Leader if you can go ahead and attack your target. 

Why? Because things change in a Clan War. We might need you to attack someone stronger or weaker depending on the score of the Clan War and the circumstances. 

-->So again, Rule #1 is to ask a Co-Leader (or Leader) if it is ok for you to attack your target.

2) Do NOT attack your target WITHOUT CLAN CASTLE TROOPS. This is big time important. You are not only hurting yourself, but you are hurting the clan as well when you attack without clan castle troops. Remember: Every star matters, so make the most of it. 

It's hard to break this rule if you follow rule #1. Because once you ask a Co-Leader if it's ok for you to attack, we will scan your base and make sure that you have Clan Castle troops available.

-->So again, Rule #2 is do Not attack without clan castle troops.

3) ALWAYS request or ask for Offense Troops when you have a SHIELD UP. I will explain why below.

-You should always ask for offense troops when you have a shield up because if someone attacks you after you ask for offense troops, they will be used for Defense and by the time you attack in Clan Wars, you'll have lost those troops due to someone attacking your base outside of Clan Wars. 

--> If that doesn't make sense, just read this line and obey this statement: Do NOT ask for Offense Troops UNLESS you have a Shield up or if you are about to attack your target as soon as you receive all of your Offense Troops

Battle Phase:

1) Always check the corners before Attacking. 

-This rule cost us 3-6 Stars last War. I saw several replays where someone ran out of time because they forgot to check all 4 corners of the opponents base for stray buildings such as builders huts.

-->ALWAYS check the corners of the opponent's base for stray buildings. It could be the difference maker in the Clan War.

2) Always lure out the Clan Castle troops. How do you do this? By placing a barbarian or archer as close as you can to the opponent's clan castle. They will have clan castle troops and it is important that you take out these troops first.

Why? Well say the enemy has a dragon. I know some of you like the Giant and Healer attack strategy. Well in case you didn't know, when all those giants line up, the Dragons OWN them with it's splash damage. 

So what do I do then? Well, you put a barbarian near the clan castle. Then you will see the dragon coming out. Then after that barbarian dies, put another barbarian in the corner of the map until you get the dragon to fly all the way to that corner of the map. Once you have got the dragon in the corner of the map, you can place archers all around it (or wizards) to destroy the dragon. Then you can continue your attack strategy.

-->ALWAYS take care of the Clan Castle before attacking.

3) Always use your Clan Castle troops and the rest of your troops in Every attack in Clan Wars. Why, because we want to make sure we get as many stars as we can. Stars win clan war battles.

--> Use ALL of your troops and clan castle troops for every Clan War Attack.


Attack Strategy

***GUYS, this will work Great IF we ALL attack one at a time. Let the lower levels ATTACK FIRST for this to work best.

Lando will FIRST attack Felix6.  If Lando 3-stars Felix6, he will then attack Moizkhan. If Lando 2-stars Felix6, he will wait for further instruction.

Chater 528 will attack Felix6 if Lando fails to get 3-stars. Chater 528 will attack Moizkhan if Moizkhan only has 1-star. If Moizkhan has 2 stars, then Chater 528 will attack Blou Ninja

Krackdaddy will FIRST attack dee...vib...ash. Then Krackdaddy will attack NoahBedenbaugh.

Saint4Life will attack NoahBedenbaugh if Krackdaddy only gets 1-star. If NoahBedenbaugh has 2 stars on his base, Saint4Life will attack  Faisowol. Then Saint4Life will attack Nidhin.

Rock will FIRST attack Commander bilal. Then Rock will attack the nearest player UNDER Commander bilal that has only 1-star.

Beasty101 will attack the two Lowest Ranked Players with only 1-star after Lando, Chater, Krackdaddy, Saint4Life, and Rock have all attacked.

DragonTamer will FIRST attack Exalt. Then Dragon Tamer will attack Mostafa.

Mile will FIRST attack ShadowJayson. Then Mike will attack AllooY1933

Noah will FIRST attack Carl Oliver. Then Noah will attack V G.

Maleki attack the nearest 2 players UNDER Superstar that have only 1-star. (For example, if V g only has 1 star, Maleki will attack him first). Maleki please wait until Lando, Chater, Krackdaddy, Saint, Rock, Beasty, Dragon Tamer, Mike, and Noah have all attacked.

Jonathan will attack the lowest leveled players with only 1-star AFTER Lando, Chater, Krackdaddy, Saint4Life, Rock, Beaty, Dragon Tamer, Mike, Noah, and Maleki have ALL ATTACKED.

Spencer Bishop will attack the nearest players UNDER Shadow Jayson that only have 1-star. 

Chanman will also attack the nearest players UNDER Shadow Jayson that only have 1-star


Ol will attack Mason and SIKANDAR

Luke will attack Rana and cf

Ed the Great will attack faryal Sikandar and Shemir

Zach and Zeke talk to each other about attacking Skjegge, Uriel, Omer bar bar, and Jan3b. Both of yall pick 2.

Kon attack SkythekidRs and Mikasa

Big daddy attack Ic_Ghaile FIRST. If you 2 or 3-star Ic_Ghaile, proceed to attack lucho.

Spinal attack Mercury and Baas

Adam attack Leanlim and Riozuil

Samo attack khanage and Superstar


Clean up-Crew (Most Important Part of the whole War)

-The Clean-Up Crew will WAIT until everyone else attacks.

-Starting with Jake, the Clean-up Crew will attack the LOWEST LEVELED MEMBERS WITH 1-STAR.

-The higher you are on the Clean-up Crew List, the longer you need to wait before attacking. Very important.

-Let the bottom half of the clean-up crew attack first so we can more efficiently balance everything out and win as many stars as  possible.

Clean-up Crew:

Subby King

Cap Flyer


Dylan Schwahn



Jace Molina


LT Redteam



Friday, April 11, 2014

Best Base Design in 3 Easy Steps

Before you go and read or scan this post as fast as you can, you better take a Moment and read what I'm about to write on the next line...

**The majority of the Co-Leaders and the Leader have decided that we will require You to copy one of the bases listed below UNLESS you prove to us that your Base is already Great. If you think your base is already Great, we will let you keep it for 1 more  Clan War.  If your base gets wrecked, demolished, or vandalized (very good word selection there on my part huh?) in the next Clan War, you will be forced to change your base to one of the bases listed below. We are just doing this so we can be more successful and competitive.

I saw a lot of mediocre and poor base designs during our 1st Clan War. Therefore, we are going to make some changes so that we can better compete with other clans and fulfill our motto-> Kill em, Kill em All.

Everyone wants the best base that they can possibly have, right?
Everyone wants to contribute to the clan during Clan Wars as much as possible, right? 
If the answers to one of these questions is 'No' then just Leave our clan :D

If the answer is yes, which it will be if you remain in the Clan, then you will do the following:

1. Write down your Townhall Level.

2. Click the link that corresponds with your Townhall Level.
For example, if you have a Townhall level 6, then you are going to clink the link beside the blue writing that says 'Townhall Level 6'.

3. Pause the video and here's the Important Part People....COPY THE BASE (that's right...copy it) exactly like it is on the Youtube Video.

-Mike changed his base by watching these videos and won 3 Defensive battles in the first Clan War.
-Jace changed his base by watching these videos and won 6 battles in 1 morning.
-Kon and Zeke didn't even get attacked with this Base (because it's soooo intimidating, ooo, ahhh)

1. Watch the Video
2. Pause the Video
3. Copy the Base from the Video

Kill em. Kill em All.

I promise you if we do these 3 Easy Steps, we will be a whole much better. That is why we are Requiring you to do So. We will move forward big boys. THINK: Souls of the Animal Kingdom- Eagle, Fox, Bottlenose Dolphin, Octopus, House Cat--> Hot Rod, Andy Samberg

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Clan War #1 (4/10/14)

Battle Day Starts at 5:10 pm (3 hours from this message).

You have until 5:00 pm on Friday, April 11th to use your 2 attacks on the enemy.

Please read and follow instructions :)

-Do NOT attack an enemy that has been 3-starred.
-Do NOT attack the enemy until after you have discussed strategy with a Co-Leader.
-Do NOT attack the enemy without Clan Castle troops. Ask for strong troops.
-Request troops immediately after you have been attacked.
-DON'T forget to RESET YOUR TRAPS after you have been attacked the first time.
-Get your 2 attacks in before the deadline at 5:00 pm, Friday, April 11th but do not rush the attack.
-Don't rush your attacks. We have 24 hours to strategize and plan.

This next part is extremely important, please talk to Kon or another Co-leader if you do not understand this next part:

*****Clean-up Crew please don't attack until everyone else has. The only exception to this is if you are too busy and must attack at an early time*****

*****Clean-up crew will "clean-up" the battles that are 1-star or 2-stars and turn them into 3-stars starting from the bottom-up. The lower half of the clean-up crew (TDawe to Chater 528 will attack the lower leveled enemies [#30-#40] who have 1-star or 2-stars. The. higher half of the clean-up crew will attack the higher leveled [#20-30] who have 1-star or 2-stars UNLESS there are still lower leveled enemies who still have 1-stars******

******For example, if the lowest leveled player has only 1-star, who out of the Clean-up Crew should attack them to get the 3-star? Chater 528 or Kooper BECAUSE they are the lower levels in the clean-up crew that can get the job done. Simple******

Ol will attack #1 Phantom and #2 Vette
Luke will attack #3 Skylathekidrs and #4 Macaman
Ed the Great will attack #5swegboypoww and #6 Sdaram
Zach will attack #7 Brayden and #8 Bluedratini
Zeke will attack #9 VivaDimaginatlo and #10 Cheif Adam
Kon will attack #11 Herojuana and #12 Milk$hake
Samo will attack #13 Tyrone and #14 The A Team
Subby king will attack #15 Elihu19 and #16 SpaceMarine37
Brett wll attack #17 4hforlife and #18 Nuhareefai
Spinal will attack #19 SosaKoop and #20 Jacob
Big daddy will attack #21 Manny and #22 Chief
Dylon Schwan will attack #23 SkylathekidRS and #24 Garrett
Captain Flyer will attack #25 The Messiah and #26 King of Clasher
Moey7801 will attack #27 Pedroza and #28 Hulk
Nickname will attack #29 ayat and #30 Raminfathi
Pieman will attack #31 TraydaGreat and #32 Jorge
Zac will attack #33 Giovanni and #34 Skylar

Repeating Money will attack #35 Elchanan and #36 Ayak
Lando will attack #37 Noizyboy and #38 Dr Hare
Kyla will attack #39 Charles and #40 Awsomo

Clean-up Crew:
Jace Molina
LT Redteam
Spencer Bishop
Iennijer (jennifer?)
Chater 528