
War Record 12-1

War Record 12-1

Saturday, June 28, 2014

War #14

Record: 12-1..... soon to be 13-1

Alright boys, gather around and I am going to tell you how this epic mop up is going to take place.  First, we need the all important MOOD MUSIC.  Go ahead and have that play on in your background.... don't worry, I'll wait till you have it.

Got it?  Good.  Ok, for the general housekeeping rules, remember, battle day will start at approximately 8pm central time on Sunday (tomorrow night).  For those of you who have targets assigned to you, 8pm central would be a good time to start your attacks, if you are able.  The sooner the better so that we do not have any traffic jams.  Those of you who will be cleanup, don't come on an ask for targets right away at 8pm.  There will not be any.  Rather, look at the war map, look for any non 3 starts that have been attacked, and ask yourself, can I finish him off?  If the answer is yes... then let us know.  The most likely answer in this case will be..... wait for it..... YES!

Also, we need to make sure that all of the TH8 and up bases are anti hog.  Here is how you can all help, hold each other accountable to this.  We all want to win these wars right? If you are browsing through the war map, and you notice someone who is a TH 8 or higher and doesn't have the correct base... call them out, and offer to help them switch.  It's for the good of the clan guys.

Last but not least, remember to ask for strategy if you want our take on it.  Don't be afraid to come up with your own and then ask us for some help with refining it.  That's what we are here for.  We want you to succeed just as much as you yourselves do.

Ok.  Strategy Time, I would like to see these attacks take place before 10am central Monday morning.

Bam Bam - will attack 20 and 19
Sweet Potato - will attack 18 and 17
Mike - will attack 16 and will clean up a target that he knows he can 3 star with permission
Maleki -  will attack 14 and will clean up a target that he knows he can 3 star with permission
Chief Longhorn - will attack 13 and will clean up a target that he knows he can 3 star with permission
LODOG1213 - will attack 12 and will clean up a target that he knows he can 3 star with permission
Jake - will attack 11 and will clean up a target that he knows he can 3 star with permission
Cody (mark) - will attack 10 and will clean up a target that he knows he can 3 star with permission
ElitexLags - will attack 9 and will clean up a target that he knows he can 3 star with permission
Spinal - will attack 15(*** side note, this may be a good target to play with your hogs on spinal) and then he will clean up a target he knows he can 3 star
Big Daddy - will attack 8 and will clean up a target that he knows he can 3 star
Zach - will attack 7 and will clean up a target that he knows he can 3 star
Nathanael - will attack 6 and will clean up a target that he knows he can 3 star
Zeke - will attack 5 and will clean up a target that he knows he can 3 star
Brownie - will attack 4 and will clean up a target that he knows he can 3 star
Ed the Great - will attack 3 and will clean up a target that he knows he can 3 star

Clean Up Crew (Yes I know that I did not assign anyone to targets 1, and 2.  We will be leaving those alone, unless we are unable to win without attacking them)

**** For clean up crew, take targets of opportunity, your services will not be needed until after 10am central time monday morning.

Last minute notes:

-When it is time for loot, one of the leaders will send out a message authorizing it.
- Before you attack make sure that your CC is full with either a dragon, or something that will benefit your current strategy.  Don't just go in with a few barbs and archers unless that is exactly what you need.
- Remember to take out enemy CC first, draw them into a corner
-Above all, ask for help.  That is what we are here for.

Happy Hunting.

All Townhall 10's COPY

Here is the best TH 10 Base I have found guys.

You'll have to watch the video for this one.

It is the 3rd (THIRD) base in the Video.

You'll have to screenshot it with your phone or use your computer and pause the screen. Either way, it is well worth it.

-Centralized Clan Castle and Heroes
-Great use of Giant bombs (Giant bombs are inside instead of outside... this will give hogs trouble)
-Hidden Tesla locations fool you.
-Defenses are set up in a way where the Attacker's Army has to go in a circle before headed to the middle. This maximizes inferno tower and xbow's as well as the air defenses's attack power.

All Townhall 9's COPY

Best TH 9 Anti-Hog.

-Centralized Heroes and Clan Castle make it harder for the Attacker to lure out Heroes and CC troops.
-Double GIANT bombs do HIGH Damage on hogs.

-Only thing I might change for Clan Wars is the mortar placement. Maybe you could switch those with the Elixir and Gold storages and get them inside more. However, there has been nothing BUT GREAT reviews for this base so you might want to keep mortar placement like it is. This guy went from Master 3 to Master 2 in one night with 4 defensive wins. 

-Please all TH 9's (Ed and Brownie) copy this and give it a shot for the clan and yourself :)

All Townhall 8's COPY

After last war, we noticed that the #1 MAIN THREAT to Clan Wars is Hog Riders.

Not only did we get stomped on defensively, but our offense was at an all time low at 87%. Usually it's in the 95% area.

Solution: Tesseract- Anti-Hog TH8 Base.

-It's beautiful. Here are it's features and why it is the BEST TH8 Base.

1. Double giant bomb placement. 
-->Hog rider attackers usually always use their Heal Spells near the Wizard Towers. Well guess what, that double bomb area will instantly wipe out Hog riders that are Level 4 or below. 

2. Centralized Clan Castle and Hero (Barb King)
-->Rule #1 of attacking with Hog Riders is luring out the Barb King and the Clan Castle. This is going to be much tougher when they are in the center of the base as is this one.

3. For this attack strategy, 20-25 Level 5+ Archers are a must. 
-->25 Level 6+ Archers is an extra 500 damage per second. So if the attacker is unable to lure the Clan Castle, these archers are going to be a HUGE problem for Him.

I want all TH 8 to copy this Base for the upcoming War. Last war was a Wake-Up Call and there is no reason we shouldn't copy this so we can be the best that we can be. All of our bases got 3 starred last war with the exception of Luke and Crossover.

Let's do it.

New Testament in a Month

I'm eager to read the New Testament in a month. It's very doable, you just have to spend an hour or less a day in the Word.

Who wants to take this journey with me?

I'm going to post study questions to help myself and you (if you choose to do it with me) every day from the material assigned for that day.  I'm going to start this journey when I get back from Ecuador around Wednesday, July 16th.

Work so you can present yourself to God and receive his approval. Be a good worker, one who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly explains the word of truth. -2nd Timothy 2:15

Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then you will prosper and succeed in all you do. -Joshua 1:8

Praying for all of you guys.

Who's with me?

Monday, June 23, 2014

War #13

Zero Tolerance.

Get your 2 attacks in no matter what.

Attack Strategy
Goal: 2 stars for each attack. Talk Strategy with other High Levels if you need to. We need 2 stars per attack!

Luke will attack #1 and #3

Crossover will attack #2 and #4

Ed the Great will attack #5 and #6

Zeke will attack #7 and #8

Brownie will attack #9 and #10

Kon will attack #11 and #12

Brian Stick will attack #13
Attack by 10 am Wednesday

Big Boy will attack #25 and #24

Maleki will attack #23 and then wait for further instruction

Codgronn will attack #21 and #20

Zac will attack #20 and then wait for further instruction

Mike will attack #22 and #19

Attack by 10 am Wednesday
Chief Longhorn will attack #18

Lodog will attack #17 and then wait for further instruction

Jace Molina will attack #15

Jake will attack #14 and then wait for further instruction

Clean up Crew
-Clean up Crew may begin attacking at 10 AM Central Time on WEDNESDAY. Attack lowest targets who don't have 3 stars.




$big boy 40$


big daddy


Elite Lags
