
War Record 12-1

War Record 12-1

Friday, June 13, 2014

Clan War #11

KIK: Contact Mike or Kon for any questions.

kkessler3 (Kon)

bossk36 (Mike)

1. Do NOT attack without a Dragon in your Clan Castle (preferably Level 2+)

2. Do NOT forget to take out enemy buildings in the corners of the map

3. If you need help with your attack, get strategy information from Kon or Mike. Message them on KIK.

4. Place one Dragon or Balloon down first, wait a few seconds, then put down the rest to check for AIR BOMBS.

5. Put down one ground troop before the rest to check for GIANT BOMBS.

**Use both of your attacks or you will be kicked**

**See our other list of rules on the "Clan Rules" post of the website.

Attack Strategy

Luke will attack #1 and #2.

Crossover will attack #3 and #4

Ed the Great will attack #5 and #6

Zeke will attack #7 and #8

Brownie will attack #9 and #10

Kon will attack #11 and #12

Brian Stick will attack #13 and #14

dzdziugas will attack #15 and #16

Zach will attack #17 and #18

***General Brown will talk strategy with Mike or Kon before attacking #19 and #20

$(bigboy 40)$ will attack #21 and #22

Nathanel will attack #23 and #24


The following players have until 10:00 am Central Time on Sunday to get both of their Attacks in:

DragonTamer will attack #30 and #29

J-dwag will attack the 2 Lowest Players with 1 star or less after Dragon Tamer finishes attacking

***Bigboy will KIK Mike for strategy. Then Bigboy will attack the 2 Lowest Players with 1 star or less after Dragon Tamer and J-Dawg finish attacking.

Nickname will attack the 2 Lowest Players with 1 star or less after Dragon Tamer

***Maleki will attack #28 as soon as War begins. Then Maleki will attack whoever he wants for his second attack.

Mike will attack whichever 2 people he can 3 star below whenever he is ready.

Zac will attack #26

Cheif Longhorn will attack #25


Clean-Up Crew

-Clean up Crew will begin attacking at 10 am Sunday morning unless Kon or Mike give them permission to attack a specific target beforehand.

-Once 10 am rolls around on Sunday, Clean-Up Crew is allowed to attack anyone below #24 OR any target above #24 that has already been attacked and has 1 star or Less.

-No one is to attack for Loot until the Clan Message, "You may now attack for Loot" is sent out.

big daddy








Jace Molina

Captain Flyer

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